Full Game Plot (heavily outdated)
- kainenable
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There is only one more scene which needs to be finished and that is coming in this sunday (hopefully). Once that is done i am hoping the writers can do some quality control and read over the scenes making sure that everything makes sence and is funny. Also to ensure enough puzzels are integrated.
There are a few things that do need changing and tweaking.
There are a few things that do need changing and tweaking.
- mjomble
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My question was: Who allowed the loyal apemen to clean it up? The script says that apemen from the past have been sent to clean it up. Which kinda sounds like the Xenonian authorities (which should have come back after the enemy was defeated) ordered them there. Which sounds like a pretty stupid move. The solution would be that the Xenonian authorities are too messed up and haven't acquired power yet, so the apemen quickly used the chance to run into the fortress and snatch what they could. But in that case, this should be mentioned.pcj wrote:I'm not sure as to the nature of your first question... The apemen ARE loyal to Vohaul, and they're building a robot in SQ: VSB (the time period). The disk that the ape janitor finds is returned to VSB and the program downloaded into the robot's memory. In fact, that's practically what this whole game is about: Vohaul comes back to life yet again, and Roger must defeat him.
This theory is kinda scary though, if you think about the situation in Iraq... but let's not get into politics here.
"Man, we're gonna get so much pie when all these droids start coming back."
- kainenable
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Full Game Plot
Just so is kinda clear to everyone involved in quality control here is the full plot.
Im not sure where Olzen posted the latest version so if he could post it here that would be great.
Im not sure where Olzen posted the latest version so if he could post it here that would be great.
- olzen
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Here is the latest version. It's not exactly final, though, since I'm missing the armory part. I'm not quite sure where that should be.
WARNING: Will often post redundant anecdotes about the history of the "Vohaul Strikes Back"-project.
- kainenable
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Just Posting it in HTML as well.
NOTE: This doesn't describe all the death sequences, click events, etc. They can all be found in their respective scripts.
This is just meant to make organizing easier.
In Space Quest 12, an ape-janitor is cleaning out Vohaul's fortress. Suddenly, he stumbles upon a floppy disk labeled "VOHAUL BACK-UP". He races to one of Vohaul’s still active bases on planet Radon in present time (Space Quest: VSB), where he delivers the disk with Vohaul’s mind to the ape commanding the base. The scientists on the base have already made a robot/cyborg version of their old master, in case he should return. Using the disk, they insert Vohaul’s brainwaves into the cyborg. Vohaul is big; twice as evil and with a cool chrome-ish look. The first thing that springs to his mind when he wakes up in his new body is "Wilco must pay!” Uh-oh...
<a name="satellite"></a>
Meanwhile, Roger and his new wife Beatrice are on their honeymoon on planet Romanticon-7. They are currently sitting in the Pie-ery, a restaurant where the only thing served is pie. Suddenly, an ape-patrol appears out of nowhere and attacks the happy couple! Bea fights them while our "hero" is hiding under the table. Unfortunately, they never manage to alert StarCon about this, as Vohaul blows up the satellite. Now there is only one thing to do. They must confront Vohaul themselves. Vohaul has taken his precautions, though. As the Aluminum Mallard flies towards Radon, it is shot down by Vohaul’s defense system.
Yet, both Roger and Bea manage to survive. Roger goes scouting, while Bea stays at the ship. Unfortunately, she is ambushed by another ape-patrol, led by Aeryn Saxxon; a woman who went to the StarCon Academy, who is also a great admirer of Roger.
When Roger returns to the ship, Bea is gone. Now our hero is stranded on an ice planet full of enemies; the shipwreck shores of a dark and strange country.
After looking a bit around, Roger comes to a beach resort built by Al. a manic depressive robot. Roger enters Al's fancy beach resort shop, full of intriguing stuff. On the desk are some free samples of the powerful (with capital P) laxative, "Bowel Blaster". Roger grabs a pill (you never know when that comes in handy) and continues his journey. He comes to a fossil and is surprised to find out that its eye is an entrance to the caves beneath the surface of Radon. He drops down and walks a bit around. But his path is cut off by a Radonskian spewter. The only animal capable of farting more than Pstonie D'Sane and it's even poisonous. But Roger is a clever (hmm...) guy. He had a leftover sandwich with him, which he gives to the spewter. After this generous offer, the spewter lets Roger pass.
The cave leads up to the surface and Roger soon finds himself in the apemen's boot camp. He reaches a locked gate, and must guess the password to open it. There are some different options (which should be pretty easy), like "SLUDGE", "WILCOSUX" etc.
However, when Roger opens the gate and walks into the boot camp, he falls into a trap. He steps on a trapdoor and falls into the sewers. Here, he is caught by two apemen. They try to interrogate him, but he won't say anything, which the apemen haven't tried before. So they ask Roger to stay where he is, while BOTH of them contact the HQ. Christ on a cross...
Roger walks around in the sewer a bit, which at first looks like an incredibly difficult maze. But the trick is to keep walking the same direction 10 times or so. Eventually, Roger gets to a piston room, where he has to avoid getting crushed by some huge stompers. After that, he'll only have to take the elevator on the other side.
Up on the surface again, Roger is at a landing bay. There is a small yellow spaceship docked there, but there is a problem: it's heavily guarded by apemen. Roger shall now pick up a dozen of rocks and use his trusty jockstrap to fling it at the apemen. Deja-vu! Now that all apemen are disposed of, there are two different ways to get into the ship.
Number one: Roger looks at the ship. Once he sees an orange tab sticking out from it, push it to open up the engine compartment. Slip inside. Two ape-pilots will enter the scene, get into the ship and fly you to the compound.
Number two: Get into the cockpit and look at it. Push the "POWER UP" button then look at the computer. Push the "INITIALIZE" button. It is the same kind of puzzle as at the military camp gate. Perhaps use tougher words this time. Once that's done, you can push the "CONFIRM" button. Now you need to get the feel of the controls. There are two throttles. One throttle controls VAC, another controls HAC. Pull the VAC one back and then when you reach a point where you can see the C.C. Landing Bay, push the VAC back to the center and push the HAC forward. AUTOPILOT will take over and take you to the bay, leaving the Apemen behind!
However, nothing lasts and the shuttle crashes outside Vohaul's fortress. I am not sure how Roger SHOULD get inside, but what we have now is worthless. Anyway, he gets inside but is stopped by the security systems or the apemen. Finally, he stands face to face with Vohaul after so long time. Vohaul tells Roger about his plans, to invade the universe using Detonite, a powerful chemical which can be found in the core of Radon’s moon. Roger is thrown into the brig and is guarded by an armed apeman. This is where Bowel Blaster will prove its might. Roger slips it into his meal and tells the (hungry) apeman that he's not hungry anymore. The apeman eats the cereal and goes/runs... Well, what do you think? Roger grabs his ray gun, zaps a jail bar and escapes.
This sequence is also a bit of a blur to me, but Roger should head further and further up, past the guards and so on, till he reaches the shuttle bay on the first floor. So there is plenty of room for puzzles here. When Roger gets up to the shuttle bay, he uses a codebook and the communications console to order the apemen to leave the shuttle bay. Roger dons a spacesuit lying in the control room and gets into a cylinder that is supposed to be fired towards Radon’s moon where Vohaul and Aeryn have taken Bea (depicted in a cut scene). Shortly after, the apemen returns and fire the cannon which usually ships the supplies to the moon. But it gives Roger a ride to Vohaul’s base.
(This part was written by Eegah)
How does Roger get into the moon base?
-Goes around the front to the window.
The tube to the top broke off!
-Pick it up and use it again.
Roger gets shot by the monkey guard!
-To get past the monkey guard, Roger needs to make a robot costume. To do this he has to first close the window. Then, he must get the box, scissors, and pencils. Use all together and then put on self to fool the monkey guard.
I now have to clean the gutters!
-Well, right now, Roger isn’t being forced to do it. Don’t worry about that yet, just explore around.
I went into the warehouse, and this crazy ape demanded I give him food?
-Go to the kitchen, I bet there’s a banana around.
I went and gave the man a banana and he said he didn’t want something so simple! What now?
-Well, maybe he wants one of those banana cream pies. To get one, you need to sneak past the chef. The chef is watching a soap opera, so take the mallet, which is laying on the floor in the warehouse, and give the antenna a good whack (on the roof).
The ladder is broken!
-Well, take one of the loose steps and replace it up all the way.
Okay, I went to the zoo… what now?
-Talk to that two headed chatter bird; they seem to know a lot.
They can’t seem to agree on anything!
-Did you realize that you still have the mallet?
Uh, yeah.
-Knock out the one on the left, if you get the one on the right, the left won’t talk to you.
Okay, now I have to go back to that room, but the ape keeps killing me!
-Well, in the zoo there is a janitor’s closet on the side, if you open it, there is the Super Mop 2000. Use that with the soap and such on the roof. Then after that you take the key and go into Vohaul's lair.
First of all, Roger frees Bea (how romantic). Then Vohaul enters the room. Somehow, the now happy couple manages to knock him unconscious. In Vohaul’s HQ, there are a lot of... disturbing animals, who have been exposed to Detonite as part of Vohaul’s experiments. Most of them have now very strong psyches. Of the ones with these abilities are two Siamese twin face huggers (so Spike DID appear after all... kind of). Roger and Bea get the brilliant idea that using the face huggers, they will teleport Roger’s mental self into Vohaul’s sub-consciousness so he can alter Vohaul’s psyche and make him one of the good guys. The plan works, and Roger soon finds himself floating around in Vohaul’s twisted, virtual brain. There's no need to describe what goes on in here, as you can find the scripts on the forums.
Meanwhile, the female henchwoman, Aeryn Saxxon, enters the HQ and meets Bea. Bea attacks her and pushes Aeryn into a pit of Detonite. However, the effects that Detonite have on humans are terrible; Aeryn gets transformed into a huge, shape-shifting Detonite blob. Bea will have to fight here! The fight will be a lot like the SQ4 fight scene. Only, sometimes Aeryn will transform into liquid, float over behind Bea and transform to human shape again. This makes it a little harder for the player to attack her. Of course, Bea defeats Aeryn, who is pushed into some canisters with liquid gas. "You cannot do this to me! I am INVINCIBLE!" are Aeryn's final words, before the gas pours out and freezes her. GoldenEye anyone? In the same moment, Roger gets back from his voyages into Vohaul’s mind. The couple hijacks a ship from Vohaul’s private shuttle bay and returns to Xenon.
A little later on Xenon, Bea gives birth to the couple’s son. He is named Roger Wilco Jr. And Vohaul? He's Roger and Bea’s maid!
NOTE: This doesn't describe all the death sequences, click events, etc. They can all be found in their respective scripts.
This is just meant to make organizing easier.
In Space Quest 12, an ape-janitor is cleaning out Vohaul's fortress. Suddenly, he stumbles upon a floppy disk labeled "VOHAUL BACK-UP". He races to one of Vohaul’s still active bases on planet Radon in present time (Space Quest: VSB), where he delivers the disk with Vohaul’s mind to the ape commanding the base. The scientists on the base have already made a robot/cyborg version of their old master, in case he should return. Using the disk, they insert Vohaul’s brainwaves into the cyborg. Vohaul is big; twice as evil and with a cool chrome-ish look. The first thing that springs to his mind when he wakes up in his new body is "Wilco must pay!” Uh-oh...
<a name="satellite"></a>
Meanwhile, Roger and his new wife Beatrice are on their honeymoon on planet Romanticon-7. They are currently sitting in the Pie-ery, a restaurant where the only thing served is pie. Suddenly, an ape-patrol appears out of nowhere and attacks the happy couple! Bea fights them while our "hero" is hiding under the table. Unfortunately, they never manage to alert StarCon about this, as Vohaul blows up the satellite. Now there is only one thing to do. They must confront Vohaul themselves. Vohaul has taken his precautions, though. As the Aluminum Mallard flies towards Radon, it is shot down by Vohaul’s defense system.
Yet, both Roger and Bea manage to survive. Roger goes scouting, while Bea stays at the ship. Unfortunately, she is ambushed by another ape-patrol, led by Aeryn Saxxon; a woman who went to the StarCon Academy, who is also a great admirer of Roger.
When Roger returns to the ship, Bea is gone. Now our hero is stranded on an ice planet full of enemies; the shipwreck shores of a dark and strange country.
After looking a bit around, Roger comes to a beach resort built by Al. a manic depressive robot. Roger enters Al's fancy beach resort shop, full of intriguing stuff. On the desk are some free samples of the powerful (with capital P) laxative, "Bowel Blaster". Roger grabs a pill (you never know when that comes in handy) and continues his journey. He comes to a fossil and is surprised to find out that its eye is an entrance to the caves beneath the surface of Radon. He drops down and walks a bit around. But his path is cut off by a Radonskian spewter. The only animal capable of farting more than Pstonie D'Sane and it's even poisonous. But Roger is a clever (hmm...) guy. He had a leftover sandwich with him, which he gives to the spewter. After this generous offer, the spewter lets Roger pass.
The cave leads up to the surface and Roger soon finds himself in the apemen's boot camp. He reaches a locked gate, and must guess the password to open it. There are some different options (which should be pretty easy), like "SLUDGE", "WILCOSUX" etc.
However, when Roger opens the gate and walks into the boot camp, he falls into a trap. He steps on a trapdoor and falls into the sewers. Here, he is caught by two apemen. They try to interrogate him, but he won't say anything, which the apemen haven't tried before. So they ask Roger to stay where he is, while BOTH of them contact the HQ. Christ on a cross...
Roger walks around in the sewer a bit, which at first looks like an incredibly difficult maze. But the trick is to keep walking the same direction 10 times or so. Eventually, Roger gets to a piston room, where he has to avoid getting crushed by some huge stompers. After that, he'll only have to take the elevator on the other side.
Up on the surface again, Roger is at a landing bay. There is a small yellow spaceship docked there, but there is a problem: it's heavily guarded by apemen. Roger shall now pick up a dozen of rocks and use his trusty jockstrap to fling it at the apemen. Deja-vu! Now that all apemen are disposed of, there are two different ways to get into the ship.
Number one: Roger looks at the ship. Once he sees an orange tab sticking out from it, push it to open up the engine compartment. Slip inside. Two ape-pilots will enter the scene, get into the ship and fly you to the compound.
Number two: Get into the cockpit and look at it. Push the "POWER UP" button then look at the computer. Push the "INITIALIZE" button. It is the same kind of puzzle as at the military camp gate. Perhaps use tougher words this time. Once that's done, you can push the "CONFIRM" button. Now you need to get the feel of the controls. There are two throttles. One throttle controls VAC, another controls HAC. Pull the VAC one back and then when you reach a point where you can see the C.C. Landing Bay, push the VAC back to the center and push the HAC forward. AUTOPILOT will take over and take you to the bay, leaving the Apemen behind!
However, nothing lasts and the shuttle crashes outside Vohaul's fortress. I am not sure how Roger SHOULD get inside, but what we have now is worthless. Anyway, he gets inside but is stopped by the security systems or the apemen. Finally, he stands face to face with Vohaul after so long time. Vohaul tells Roger about his plans, to invade the universe using Detonite, a powerful chemical which can be found in the core of Radon’s moon. Roger is thrown into the brig and is guarded by an armed apeman. This is where Bowel Blaster will prove its might. Roger slips it into his meal and tells the (hungry) apeman that he's not hungry anymore. The apeman eats the cereal and goes/runs... Well, what do you think? Roger grabs his ray gun, zaps a jail bar and escapes.
This sequence is also a bit of a blur to me, but Roger should head further and further up, past the guards and so on, till he reaches the shuttle bay on the first floor. So there is plenty of room for puzzles here. When Roger gets up to the shuttle bay, he uses a codebook and the communications console to order the apemen to leave the shuttle bay. Roger dons a spacesuit lying in the control room and gets into a cylinder that is supposed to be fired towards Radon’s moon where Vohaul and Aeryn have taken Bea (depicted in a cut scene). Shortly after, the apemen returns and fire the cannon which usually ships the supplies to the moon. But it gives Roger a ride to Vohaul’s base.
(This part was written by Eegah)
How does Roger get into the moon base?
-Goes around the front to the window.
The tube to the top broke off!
-Pick it up and use it again.
Roger gets shot by the monkey guard!
-To get past the monkey guard, Roger needs to make a robot costume. To do this he has to first close the window. Then, he must get the box, scissors, and pencils. Use all together and then put on self to fool the monkey guard.
I now have to clean the gutters!
-Well, right now, Roger isn’t being forced to do it. Don’t worry about that yet, just explore around.
I went into the warehouse, and this crazy ape demanded I give him food?
-Go to the kitchen, I bet there’s a banana around.
I went and gave the man a banana and he said he didn’t want something so simple! What now?
-Well, maybe he wants one of those banana cream pies. To get one, you need to sneak past the chef. The chef is watching a soap opera, so take the mallet, which is laying on the floor in the warehouse, and give the antenna a good whack (on the roof).
The ladder is broken!
-Well, take one of the loose steps and replace it up all the way.
Okay, I went to the zoo… what now?
-Talk to that two headed chatter bird; they seem to know a lot.
They can’t seem to agree on anything!
-Did you realize that you still have the mallet?
Uh, yeah.
-Knock out the one on the left, if you get the one on the right, the left won’t talk to you.
Okay, now I have to go back to that room, but the ape keeps killing me!
-Well, in the zoo there is a janitor’s closet on the side, if you open it, there is the Super Mop 2000. Use that with the soap and such on the roof. Then after that you take the key and go into Vohaul's lair.
First of all, Roger frees Bea (how romantic). Then Vohaul enters the room. Somehow, the now happy couple manages to knock him unconscious. In Vohaul’s HQ, there are a lot of... disturbing animals, who have been exposed to Detonite as part of Vohaul’s experiments. Most of them have now very strong psyches. Of the ones with these abilities are two Siamese twin face huggers (so Spike DID appear after all... kind of). Roger and Bea get the brilliant idea that using the face huggers, they will teleport Roger’s mental self into Vohaul’s sub-consciousness so he can alter Vohaul’s psyche and make him one of the good guys. The plan works, and Roger soon finds himself floating around in Vohaul’s twisted, virtual brain. There's no need to describe what goes on in here, as you can find the scripts on the forums.
Meanwhile, the female henchwoman, Aeryn Saxxon, enters the HQ and meets Bea. Bea attacks her and pushes Aeryn into a pit of Detonite. However, the effects that Detonite have on humans are terrible; Aeryn gets transformed into a huge, shape-shifting Detonite blob. Bea will have to fight here! The fight will be a lot like the SQ4 fight scene. Only, sometimes Aeryn will transform into liquid, float over behind Bea and transform to human shape again. This makes it a little harder for the player to attack her. Of course, Bea defeats Aeryn, who is pushed into some canisters with liquid gas. "You cannot do this to me! I am INVINCIBLE!" are Aeryn's final words, before the gas pours out and freezes her. GoldenEye anyone? In the same moment, Roger gets back from his voyages into Vohaul’s mind. The couple hijacks a ship from Vohaul’s private shuttle bay and returns to Xenon.
A little later on Xenon, Bea gives birth to the couple’s son. He is named Roger Wilco Jr. And Vohaul? He's Roger and Bea’s maid!
- kainenable
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- kainenable
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- Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:32 am
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- kainenable
- Posts: 317
- Joined: Sat Mar 29, 2003 10:32 am
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NOTE: This doesn't describe all the death sequences, click events, etc. They can all be found in their respective scripts.
This is just meant to make organizing easier.
In Space Quest 12, an ape-janitor is cleaning out Vohaul's fortress. Suddenly, he stumbles upon a floppy disk labeled "VOHAUL BACK-UP". He races to one of Vohaul’s still active bases on planet Radon in present time (Space Quest: VSB), where he delivers the disk with Vohaul’s mind to the ape commanding the base. The scientists on the base have already made a robot/cyborg version of their old master, in case he should return. Using the disk, they insert Vohaul’s brainwaves into the cyborg. Vohaul is big; twice as evil and with a cool chrome-ish look. The first thing that springs to his mind when he wakes up in his new body is "Wilco must pay!” Uh-oh...
Meanwhile, Roger and his new wife Beatrice are on their honeymoon on planet Romanticon-7. They are currently sitting in the Pie-ery, a restaurant where the only thing served is pie. Suddenly, an ape-patrol appears out of nowhere and attacks the happy couple! Bea fights them while our "hero" is hiding under the table. Unfortunately, they never manage to alert StarCon about this, as Vohaul blows up the satellite. Now there is only one thing to do. They must confront Vohaul themselves. Vohaul has taken his precautions, though. As the Aluminum Mallard flies towards Radon, it is shot down by Vohaul’s defense system.
Yet, both Roger and Bea manage to survive. Roger goes scouting, while Bea stays at the ship. Unfortunately, she is ambushed by another ape-patrol, led by Aeryn Saxxon; a woman who went to the StarCon Academy, who was also a great admirer of Roger. Back in SQ5, she was one of the persons
When Roger returns to the ship, Bea is gone. Now our hero is stranded on an ice planet full of enemies; the shipwreck shores of a dark and strange country.
After looking a bit around, Roger comes to a beach resort built by Al, a manic depressive robot. Roger enters Al's fancy beach resort shop, full of intriguing stuff. On the desk are some free samples of the powerful (with capital P) laxative, "Bowel Blaster". Roger grabs a pill (you never know when that comes in handy) and continues his journey. He comes to a fossil and is surprised to find out that its eye is an entrance to the caves beneath the surface of Radon. He drops down and walks a bit around. But his path is cut off by a Radonskian spewter. The only animal capable of farting more than Pstonie D'Sane and it's even poisonous. But Roger is a clever (hmm...) guy. He had a leftover sandwich with him, which he gives to the spewter. After this generous offer, the spewter lets Roger pass.
The cave leads up to the surface and Roger soon finds himself in the apemen's boot camp. He reaches a locked gate with two ape guards. He is mistaken for a weird hairless ape and taken to training. After undergoing a series of ke-razy excercises, he is ordered to clean the bathroom. He presses a wrong button and winds up getting sucked in by the toilet. Damn the Japanese and their abnormal hygiene. He now finds himself in the sewers.
Roger walks around in the sewer a bit, which at first looks like an incredibly difficult maze. But the trick is to keep walking the same direction 10 times or so. Eventually, Roger gets to a piston room, where he has to avoid getting crushed by some huge stompers. After roger manages on getting past the pistons he is then faced with the task of finding a way out of his smelly surroundings. After a little bit of exploration there is a largish pipe leading out from one of the walls of the sewer with refuse flowing out of it. This looks to be just large enough for roger to fit through it.
Roger must somehow find a way of going though that pipe back topside. He cannot since obviously there is refuse flowing out of it. Upon further exploration of the sewer he finds a side door which leads into a control room for the sewer. It looks more like a janitors closet and also has a musty old mattress on the ground. The person who runs the sewers also lives here. This door should be relatively hidden but not so much that the player will not be able to spot it upon closer inspection. There are flow controls which roger must navigate in order to reverse the flow of the refuse. Once that is done he hits the purge button and there is a rumbling heard, and an explosion.
We then cut to a scene of the exploded portapoty with refuse strewn all around it also with a very surprised looking apeman covered in refuse.
He starts to say “Holy sh”
And the scene immediately cuts back to Roger in the sewer. If Roger doesn't solve this puzzle correctly, we get a rather nasty death cutscene of an apeman listening to Roger getting buried in poo. Then he just walks away.
Roger must then go back to the pipe which is now making a sucking vacuum cleaner kind of noise and well, climb into it. Where upon he gets sucked (again) through the tube and we a side view of him flying through the tube and eventually heading up. It then cuts to the outside scene again. (the apeman is gone)
Where he flies about 10 feet into the air and lands onto the ground in front of Vohauls fortress. Next to him lies a shovel which he picks up and uses to bust the panel which shields a very important part of the main gate controls. There is a SecurePad next to it where Roger must guess the correct sequence of numbers to get in. He has 30 seconds to guess the password by clicking the numbers up and down. Now if he hasn't ripped of the side panel there is no way he knows the passcode. Now the closer Roger gets to the correct number the higher the red light goes. So lets say the correct first number is 6 and 0 is put in. There is only a very small amount of red displayed. Now if he then puts in 4 most of the bar is red. If he enters in 6 the bar is fully red and he goes onto the next number.
He gets inside but is stopped by the security systems that suddenly switch back on. Finally, he stands face to face with Vohaul and his henchwoman Aeryn after so long time. Vohaul tells Roger about his plans, to invade the universe using Detonite, a powerful chemical which can be found in the core of Radon’s moon. And of course Bea and Roger will remain in their custody. Roger is thrown into the brig where he is interrogated (not very successfully, I might add!). After that, he is left alone with an armed apeman. This is where Bowel Blaster will prove its might. Roger slips it into his meal and tells the (hungry) apeman that he's not hungry anymore. The apeman eats the cereal and goes/runs... Well, what do you think? Roger grabs his ray gun, zaps a jail bar and escapes.
This sequence is currently in the makings. But Roger needs to move further or further upwards, till he reaches the shuttlebay in one of the towers. So there is plenty of room for puzzles here. When Roger gets up to the shuttle bay, he uses a codebook and the communications console to order the apemen to leave the shuttle bay. Roger dons a spacesuit lying in the control room and gets into a cylinder that is supposed to be fired towards Radon’s moon where Vohaul and Aeryn have taken Bea (depicted in a cut scene). Shortly after, the apemen returns and fire the cannon which usually ships the supplies to the moon. But it gives Roger a ride to Vohaul’s base.
On the moon is a weapon store called "Blown Away". It's managed by Dweeble I. Blastmuch. Dweeble has a deal with Vohaul. He sells them their weapons and has developed a brand new technology for hiding passwords. The technology is used by putting on a pair of sunglasses. You will then be able to see through the pictures the passwords are hidden beneath. Roger fetches the sunglasses while Dweeble are looking the other way and heads for the outpost where Bea is.
First of all, Roger frees Bea (how romantic). Then Vohaul enters the room. Somehow, the now happy couple manages to knock him unconscious. In Vohaul’s HQ, there are a lot of... disturbing animals, who have been exposed to Detonite as part of Vohaul’s experiments. Most of them have now very strong psyches. Of the ones with these abilities are two Siamese twin face huggers (so Spike DID appear after all... kind of). Roger and Bea get the brilliant idea that using the face huggers, they will teleport Roger’s mental self into Vohaul’s sub-consciousness so he can alter Vohaul’s psyche and make him one of the good guys. The plan works, and Roger soon finds himself floating around in Vohaul’s twisted, virtual brain. There's no need to describe what goes on in here, as you can find the scripts on the forums.
Meanwhile, the female henchwoman, Aeryn Saxxon, enters the HQ and meets Bea. Bea attacks her and pushes Aeryn into a pit of Detonite. However, the effects that Detonite have on humans are terrible; Aeryn gets transformed into a huge, shape-shifting Detonite blob. Bea will have to fight here! The fight will be a lot like the SQ4 fight scene. Only, sometimes Aeryn will transform into liquid, float over behind Bea and transform to human shape again. This makes it a little harder for the player to attack her. Of course, Bea defeats Aeryn, who is pushed into some canisters with liquid gas. "You cannot do this to me! I am INVINCIBLE!" are Aeryn's final words, before the gas pours out and freezes her. GoldenEye anyone? In the same moment, Roger gets back from his voyages into Vohaul’s mind. The couple hijacks a ship from Vohaul’s private shuttle bay and returns to Xenon.
A little later on Xenon, Bea gives birth to the couple’s son. He is named Roger Wilco Jr. And Vohaul? He's Roger and Bea’s maid!
NOTE: This doesn't describe all the death sequences, click events, etc. They can all be found in their respective scripts.
This is just meant to make organizing easier.
In Space Quest 12, an ape-janitor is cleaning out Vohaul's fortress. Suddenly, he stumbles upon a floppy disk labeled "VOHAUL BACK-UP". He races to one of Vohaul’s still active bases on planet Radon in present time (Space Quest: VSB), where he delivers the disk with Vohaul’s mind to the ape commanding the base. The scientists on the base have already made a robot/cyborg version of their old master, in case he should return. Using the disk, they insert Vohaul’s brainwaves into the cyborg. Vohaul is big; twice as evil and with a cool chrome-ish look. The first thing that springs to his mind when he wakes up in his new body is "Wilco must pay!” Uh-oh...
Meanwhile, Roger and his new wife Beatrice are on their honeymoon on planet Romanticon-7. They are currently sitting in the Pie-ery, a restaurant where the only thing served is pie. Suddenly, an ape-patrol appears out of nowhere and attacks the happy couple! Bea fights them while our "hero" is hiding under the table. Unfortunately, they never manage to alert StarCon about this, as Vohaul blows up the satellite. Now there is only one thing to do. They must confront Vohaul themselves. Vohaul has taken his precautions, though. As the Aluminum Mallard flies towards Radon, it is shot down by Vohaul’s defense system.
Yet, both Roger and Bea manage to survive. Roger goes scouting, while Bea stays at the ship. Unfortunately, she is ambushed by another ape-patrol, led by Aeryn Saxxon; a woman who went to the StarCon Academy, who was also a great admirer of Roger. Back in SQ5, she was one of the persons
When Roger returns to the ship, Bea is gone. Now our hero is stranded on an ice planet full of enemies; the shipwreck shores of a dark and strange country.
After looking a bit around, Roger comes to a beach resort built by Al, a manic depressive robot. Roger enters Al's fancy beach resort shop, full of intriguing stuff. On the desk are some free samples of the powerful (with capital P) laxative, "Bowel Blaster". Roger grabs a pill (you never know when that comes in handy) and continues his journey. He comes to a fossil and is surprised to find out that its eye is an entrance to the caves beneath the surface of Radon. He drops down and walks a bit around. But his path is cut off by a Radonskian spewter. The only animal capable of farting more than Pstonie D'Sane and it's even poisonous. But Roger is a clever (hmm...) guy. He had a leftover sandwich with him, which he gives to the spewter. After this generous offer, the spewter lets Roger pass.
The cave leads up to the surface and Roger soon finds himself in the apemen's boot camp. He reaches a locked gate with two ape guards. He is mistaken for a weird hairless ape and taken to training. After undergoing a series of ke-razy excercises, he is ordered to clean the bathroom. He presses a wrong button and winds up getting sucked in by the toilet. Damn the Japanese and their abnormal hygiene. He now finds himself in the sewers.
Roger walks around in the sewer a bit, which at first looks like an incredibly difficult maze. But the trick is to keep walking the same direction 10 times or so. Eventually, Roger gets to a piston room, where he has to avoid getting crushed by some huge stompers. After roger manages on getting past the pistons he is then faced with the task of finding a way out of his smelly surroundings. After a little bit of exploration there is a largish pipe leading out from one of the walls of the sewer with refuse flowing out of it. This looks to be just large enough for roger to fit through it.
Roger must somehow find a way of going though that pipe back topside. He cannot since obviously there is refuse flowing out of it. Upon further exploration of the sewer he finds a side door which leads into a control room for the sewer. It looks more like a janitors closet and also has a musty old mattress on the ground. The person who runs the sewers also lives here. This door should be relatively hidden but not so much that the player will not be able to spot it upon closer inspection. There are flow controls which roger must navigate in order to reverse the flow of the refuse. Once that is done he hits the purge button and there is a rumbling heard, and an explosion.
We then cut to a scene of the exploded portapoty with refuse strewn all around it also with a very surprised looking apeman covered in refuse.
He starts to say “Holy sh”
And the scene immediately cuts back to Roger in the sewer. If Roger doesn't solve this puzzle correctly, we get a rather nasty death cutscene of an apeman listening to Roger getting buried in poo. Then he just walks away.
Roger must then go back to the pipe which is now making a sucking vacuum cleaner kind of noise and well, climb into it. Where upon he gets sucked (again) through the tube and we a side view of him flying through the tube and eventually heading up. It then cuts to the outside scene again. (the apeman is gone)
Where he flies about 10 feet into the air and lands onto the ground in front of Vohauls fortress. Next to him lies a shovel which he picks up and uses to bust the panel which shields a very important part of the main gate controls. There is a SecurePad next to it where Roger must guess the correct sequence of numbers to get in. He has 30 seconds to guess the password by clicking the numbers up and down. Now if he hasn't ripped of the side panel there is no way he knows the passcode. Now the closer Roger gets to the correct number the higher the red light goes. So lets say the correct first number is 6 and 0 is put in. There is only a very small amount of red displayed. Now if he then puts in 4 most of the bar is red. If he enters in 6 the bar is fully red and he goes onto the next number.
He gets inside but is stopped by the security systems that suddenly switch back on. Finally, he stands face to face with Vohaul and his henchwoman Aeryn after so long time. Vohaul tells Roger about his plans, to invade the universe using Detonite, a powerful chemical which can be found in the core of Radon’s moon. And of course Bea and Roger will remain in their custody. Roger is thrown into the brig where he is interrogated (not very successfully, I might add!). After that, he is left alone with an armed apeman. This is where Bowel Blaster will prove its might. Roger slips it into his meal and tells the (hungry) apeman that he's not hungry anymore. The apeman eats the cereal and goes/runs... Well, what do you think? Roger grabs his ray gun, zaps a jail bar and escapes.
This sequence is currently in the makings. But Roger needs to move further or further upwards, till he reaches the shuttlebay in one of the towers. So there is plenty of room for puzzles here. When Roger gets up to the shuttle bay, he uses a codebook and the communications console to order the apemen to leave the shuttle bay. Roger dons a spacesuit lying in the control room and gets into a cylinder that is supposed to be fired towards Radon’s moon where Vohaul and Aeryn have taken Bea (depicted in a cut scene). Shortly after, the apemen returns and fire the cannon which usually ships the supplies to the moon. But it gives Roger a ride to Vohaul’s base.
On the moon is a weapon store called "Blown Away". It's managed by Dweeble I. Blastmuch. Dweeble has a deal with Vohaul. He sells them their weapons and has developed a brand new technology for hiding passwords. The technology is used by putting on a pair of sunglasses. You will then be able to see through the pictures the passwords are hidden beneath. Roger fetches the sunglasses while Dweeble are looking the other way and heads for the outpost where Bea is.
First of all, Roger frees Bea (how romantic). Then Vohaul enters the room. Somehow, the now happy couple manages to knock him unconscious. In Vohaul’s HQ, there are a lot of... disturbing animals, who have been exposed to Detonite as part of Vohaul’s experiments. Most of them have now very strong psyches. Of the ones with these abilities are two Siamese twin face huggers (so Spike DID appear after all... kind of). Roger and Bea get the brilliant idea that using the face huggers, they will teleport Roger’s mental self into Vohaul’s sub-consciousness so he can alter Vohaul’s psyche and make him one of the good guys. The plan works, and Roger soon finds himself floating around in Vohaul’s twisted, virtual brain. There's no need to describe what goes on in here, as you can find the scripts on the forums.
Meanwhile, the female henchwoman, Aeryn Saxxon, enters the HQ and meets Bea. Bea attacks her and pushes Aeryn into a pit of Detonite. However, the effects that Detonite have on humans are terrible; Aeryn gets transformed into a huge, shape-shifting Detonite blob. Bea will have to fight here! The fight will be a lot like the SQ4 fight scene. Only, sometimes Aeryn will transform into liquid, float over behind Bea and transform to human shape again. This makes it a little harder for the player to attack her. Of course, Bea defeats Aeryn, who is pushed into some canisters with liquid gas. "You cannot do this to me! I am INVINCIBLE!" are Aeryn's final words, before the gas pours out and freezes her. GoldenEye anyone? In the same moment, Roger gets back from his voyages into Vohaul’s mind. The couple hijacks a ship from Vohaul’s private shuttle bay and returns to Xenon.
A little later on Xenon, Bea gives birth to the couple’s son. He is named Roger Wilco Jr. And Vohaul? He's Roger and Bea’s maid!