Radon bootcamp and fortress

Released information from various stages of VSB's development.
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Post by pcj »

It would also be extremely unpractical for the apemen/Vohaul to have a tower that high. Just think of how large the circumference of the tower would have to be at the base to support a tower that tall with a circumference large enough to hold a shuttlebay at that altitude. Also, you'd have to take into consideration the lack of natural resources on Radon; all of the metal or polymer would have to be imported, then assembled to form the large tower.
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Post by kainenable »

Meh, seems kind of a minor detail, it could be built into the side of a mountian being fired at night. Although it is daytime in some of the other scenes. If you have time maybe you can put in some atmosphere. If not we can explain it away somehow.
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Post by MartyMcFly »

yeah i'll change that. i didnt even know it was on radon. i ave to change the canisters anyway
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