Vohaul Sucks Back

Questions, remarks, etc. on the VSB project.
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Vohaul Sucks Back

Post by chesterrush »

Hey Space Quest Fans! If you're looking for a great fan game, try Space Quest Incinerations - man, that game was awesome! Don't waste your time with Vohaul Strikes back - it sucks Astro Cock.
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Re: Vohaul Sucks Back

Post by olzen »

In that case, I'd like to inform you that Chris, who did the animations on this, is the mastermind behind "Incinerations." I'm sure he'll value you calling his efforts on this game sucky. Also, I did most of the music for his game, while mjomble and pcj both contributed code.

Of course, I'm personally thrilled you like "Incinerations." However, while we value (constructive) criticism, we'd prefer if it came from someone who can actually read a set of credits. Locked.
WARNING: Will often post redundant anecdotes about the history of the "Vohaul Strikes Back"-project.