Which Ending?

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Which Ending?

Post by ClassicGamer81 »

Which ending of the game to do consider Canon, or I guess I should say "Fanon"?
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by mjomble »

The Gobbledygook one, definitely :D

But other than that, I'd go with the Paragon (happy) one being the main story.
The Renegade ending links up with Incinerations and together, they sort of form a darker alternate timeline.
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by pcj »

I suppose it's mainly up to future fangame authors. You'd better get on that.
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by ClassicGamer81 »

I personally go with the Renegade Ending for the "bridge to Incinerations" aspect, which also has it's fair share of alternate endings I might add!
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by Datadog »

I don't consider anything fan-made to be canon. In fact, if you look at the history of fan-games, we completely tear the SQ timeline apart.

Here's a graph I made! :D


I would've included VSB's Gobbledygook ending, but I think it's on the same timeline as SQInc's "Best Ending Ever."
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by DrSlash »

Wow, great graph! Even my SQ12 is there :D
I'm recruiting a team for SQ fan-game!

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Re: Which Ending?

Post by olzen »

Despite my reservations with calling anything fanmade "canonical", I prefer the Paragon-ending. I think Vohaul's mind is an integral part of the game, and a lot of loose ends are tied up in the subsequent ending. And a light ending seems more suitable for Space Quest if you ask me.

I guess the Renegade-ending kinda came about as a response to the outcry over our original ending (the only one), which had Vohaul acting as Roger and Bea's nanny after the mind meld. A former team member leaked that old plot point, and all hell broke loose, even though that ending was outdated even by then. So if people really want Vohaul to go out as a bad guy, they can choose the Renegade-ending now. And that way, they get to play a kickass game right afterwards :D

I'd actually love to see a fanmade post-Paragon game as well. It'd be fun!
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by Datadog »

"Vohaul Strikes Back 2: Baby's Day Out!" :D

Part of me really wants to see Roger as a stay-at-home dad wearing a frilly apron and oven mittens.
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by olzen »

Heh, I also really want to see what happens to Rodney's offspring.

Aww, man... you could totally have done a "Lion King"-scene on the test planet, with Rodney and his son. "Check dis out, boooy. One o' dem days... dis all gwoina be youuurs..."
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by pcj »

Datadog wrote:I don't consider anything fan-made to be canon. In fact, if you look at the history of fan-games, we completely tear the SQ timeline apart.
Well, it depends on what you mean by canon. I'm guessing if Activision ever picks up the games again they won't be resuming where the fangames left off. :P But fangame authors are able to create a new canon, like you point out. If you look at your timeline like it's Back to the Future all over again, Roger is basically in a different reality now and SQ10 and SQ12 don't have to happen exactly as it appeared (actually SQ4 already probably deviated the SQ world from that timeline).

Back in the day, I started the "canonicity of fangames" discussion on the JT (which is lost to the ages now), which hashed all this out.
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by ClassicGamer81 »

In my opinion, since they don't exactly contradict anything in the official series, I consider Vohaul Strikes Back and Incinerations the "next two" chapters in Roger Wilco's adventures. I really like how Incinerations handles the Roger, Bea, & Stellar triangle, and Vohaul Strikes Back gives Vohaul some really insightful background, it is really HIS game.
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Re: Which Ending?

Post by Chrono »

So this basically means that there are two non-canon timelines along with the original, making a total of three different Space Quest realities :) If the Two Guys ever get to make another Space Quest, I wonder if they would in anyway acknowledge VSB or Incinerations.
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