How exactly would you know for certain you're looking for something within FaceBurn before seeing the photos in the program? Some players would probably just dump the photo onto the icon and miss the idea of the puzzle.
WARNING: Will often post redundant anecdotes about the history of the "Vohaul Strikes Back"-project.
From the code, I can see that the following scenario might be an issue (though I didn't have time to test it):
* Open Security Viewer, but don't open FaceBurn yet
* Pick up Roger's photo
* Realize you don't have anywhere to drop it
* Try dropping the photo back on the Security Viewer window - doesn't work
* You can only drop it back on the Security Viewer icon.
* Although the code looks like Photo -> FaceBurn icon should also work.
This seems a bit different from Vhati's report, but I think the following changes would still make sense:
* Allow dropping the photo back to the Security Viewer window
* Disallow dropping the photo on the desktop icons for the reason olzen pointed out - force the player to open the windows first.
"Man, we're gonna get so much pie when all these droids start coming back."
I disagree about forcing the player to open the windows - another part of the VR puzzle entails dragging icons to the trash without opening it so it'd be a bit silly to require them to open the window here. (Besides, this is how Windows works)
Anyway, the window should open automatically when the player drops the photo on the icon so they should understand what's going on.
olzen wrote:How exactly would you know for certain you're looking for something within FB before seeing the photos in the program?
By LOOKing at the icon...
"The FaceBurn program keeps track of all the security clearances in the fortress by using a facial recognition system. Just drop in a photo and they're good."
I took the Photo from the Security Viewer Window and dropped it on the FaceBurn desktop icon. Nothing.
Then I shrugged and checked other desktop icons and found where the burn action was mistakenly attached to.