Olzen and I conducted some research into this particularly delicate matter earlier this day. Although many ideas were offered, we were unable to form the perfect solution. Nevertheless, here is the transcript of the meeting for the others to read, in case it might spark some random inspiration.
[15:09:26] Andres: So, the name...
[15:09:53] olzen: We may be able to use the word "cuddly"
[15:10:18] Andres: Cudlonz?
[15:10:49] olzen: Hmm... nah
[15:10:58] olzen: We pretty much agreed not to relate them to the Pinkunz
[15:11:14] Andres: Aye
[15:11:20] Andres: Maybe something with Fur-
[15:12:24] olzen: Yeah, that too
[15:12:29] Andres: Who came up with Hothkunz in the first place?
[15:12:49] olzen: Wafflebrain. It was a no-brainer, really
[15:14:20] Andres: Hmm...
[15:15:41] Andres: Furwafflers!
[15:16:03] olzen: Well... that's just more gross than, like, Michael Gross. And he's pretty gross
[15:16:09] Andres: Gross.
[15:16:16] Andres: Furgross!
[15:16:26] Andres: The Furgros.
[15:16:35] Andres: Singular: Furgro
[15:16:45] Andres: Sounds like... Fergio.
[15:16:52] olzen: Furdlly's?
[15:17:03] Andres: Too much consecutive consonants
[15:17:13] olzen: Furdelly... Furdly
[15:17:17] olzen: Little Furdly Poo
[15:17:23] Andres: Furdaloo
[15:17:38] Andres: Furptons
[15:17:45] olzen: We'd get sued by ABBA for the former one
[15:17:51] olzen: # Furdallo
[15:17:53] olzen: *oo
[15:17:57] Andres: Or by Belgium.
[15:18:03] Andres: Furgium.
[15:18:25] Andres: Fergers
[15:18:32] olzen: No, no, no, no!
[15:18:34] Andres: Aushtin Powersh'sh Ferger!
[15:18:53] Andres: Fardgers
[15:18:57] olzen: For now we've got Furgros as an acceptable one
[15:19:12] Andres: Sounds a bit glonkey
[15:19:17] olzen: Possibly
[15:19:21] olzen: Okay, we've got no acceptable ones
[15:19:27] Andres: Furceptable
[15:19:33] Andres: Furkins
[15:19:51] olzen: Cuddlins? Sounds like cufflinks...
[15:20:00] Andres: How bout furkins?
[15:20:13] olzen: Well, that's cud... fur... acceptable
[15:20:16] Andres: Blimey.
[15:20:31] olzen: Guess not
[15:20:37] Andres:
http://images.google.com/images?q=tbn:P ... gcover.gif
[15:20:42] Andres: Even worse
[15:20:56] olzen: No furkins then
[15:21:08] Andres: furkens?
[15:21:11] olzen: Also, we've already dodged a word sounding like "cunts". We don't want any "fuck"
[15:21:32] Andres: Yes, but it's pronounced foerk, not fuck
[15:21:37] olzen: That means their leader can't be called the Furking
[15:21:47] Andres: Feckles.
[15:21:52] olzen: Pickles!
[15:21:57] Andres: Furjiblets!
[15:22:21] olzen: Fucurs
[15:22:23] Andres: Or Ferkins
[15:22:41] olzen: Hairy Japanese bastards
[15:22:53] Andres: Shouldn't really have a clean "fur" in it, might use a twisted vowel or so.
[15:22:59] olzen: Yeah
[15:23:11] Andres:
http://www.willishenry.com/am0292,94,109ferkins.jpg Not too bad.
[15:23:14] olzen: Cordlins
[15:23:20] Andres: Cordilleros
[15:23:32] olzen: Sssssanto!
[15:23:42] Andres: La Cucaracha!
[15:24:00] olzen: # La la la la la la Bamba
[15:24:01] Andres: Fahordlinglades!
[15:24:17] Andres: "Hello, Roger Wilco. We are the Fhqwhgads."
[15:24:18] olzen: Delectados
[15:24:38] olzen: That would be funny if we had the Chaps' approval
[15:24:54] olzen: However, it's even funnier not knowing who Fhqwhgads is
[15:24:55] Andres: Although it would ruin the whole mysteriousness of the fhqwhgads if they did approve.
[15:25:00] Andres: Indeed.
[15:25:13] Andres: Ferdlinglades
[15:25:20] Andres: Ferdlings
[15:25:23] olzen: Foertibux
[15:25:28] Andres: Foxtrot.
[15:25:43] olzen: Fred Astaire!
[15:25:47] Andres: Frank Sinatra!
[15:25:50] olzen: Foerdlings?
[15:25:58] Andres: Fordlings
[15:26:10] olzen: We're not dealing with cars here
[15:26:13] Andres: Although that would probably be a name of the creatures living in a Ford factory.
[15:26:20] olzen: McLoearens
[15:26:25] Andres: Or HarrisonFordlings
[15:26:34] Andres: Hairysons.
[15:26:44] olzen: Leernons
[15:26:49] Andres: Lemurs
[15:26:56] olzen: McCuddly
[15:27:05] Andres: Cwapface!
[15:27:36] Andres: Furdlebs
[15:27:44] olzen: Maybe wanna relate the name to Teddy instead
[15:27:55] Andres: Teddy, lemurs, cuddly, fur and hairy
[15:28:03] Andres: Tedlurchafurdies.
[15:28:03] olzen: Hairy Dick
[15:28:12] olzen: *giggles loudly*
[15:28:14] Andres: Chepooka.
[15:28:24] Andres: Flachurdnies.
[15:28:41] Andres: Add Ewoks too and you get Flachewoknies.
[15:28:43] olzen: The turdies? Nah, not gonna go there
[15:28:46] olzen: Bless you
[15:29:08] Andres: Flasher wokkies... Jabberwocky!
[15:29:16] Andres: Jabblers.
[15:29:41] olzen: This is some job...
[15:29:57] Andres: Fjoinkies.
[15:30:23] Andres: At least we can post this transcript on the forum and hope that someone gets an idea while reading it.