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My thoughts on Vohaul Strikes Back
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 2:42 pm
by Chrono
I just finished this game, and I have to commend everyone who made it, because it was really awesome. The game really captured much of he spirit of Space Quest, and everything from the writing, to the pacing and puzzles design was really well done. It was also very funny, and also much longer than I was expecting. In fact, I'd say it was longer than any of he official Space Quests. Just wanted to say that you all did a great job on it. Now onto Incinerations.
Re: My thoughts on Vohaul Strikes Back
Posted: Fri May 18, 2012 4:32 pm
by mjomble
Awesome, thanks!
Now go tell everyone you know to play it as well
Chrono wrote:It was also very funny, and also much longer than I was expecting. In fact, I'd say it was longer than any of he official Space Quests.
Yeah, that was our estimate as well.
For a few weeks, we considered it the longest Space Quest game of any kind in existence.
Then Incinerations came out and we were no longer so sure of that. You're in for a treat

Re: My thoughts on Vohaul Strikes Back
Posted: Sat May 19, 2012 1:21 am
by olzen
Thanks for your nice words, Chrono. It's nice to know that, even with the Two Guys returning and all, this game still has a relevance
For what it's worth, I asked Chris whether he thought VSB or "Incinerations" was the longest game, and he still thinks it's the former. Of course, "Incinerations" has all these awesome cutscenes that we can't match, but VSB seems to contain more rooms, characters and puzzles. The latter also features more non-linear exploration.
None of the above is meant to detract from "Incinerations." It's a fantastic game, and I'm really proud of the music I contributed to it. When Chris was nice enough to let me do the first test run of it, I honestly had an inferiority complex

So if you liked VSB, "Incinerations" will blow you away.
Re: My thoughts on Vohaul Strikes Back
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 11:49 am
by Datadog
VSB is the larger game since it took me almost 22 hours to do a full beta run of every single thing you could do in the game. SQInc only took me about 14 hours to fully test. So VSB really is the one filled with a lot more goodies.
Re: My thoughts on Vohaul Strikes Back
Posted: Sun May 20, 2012 12:58 pm
by pcj
Playable stuff, anyway. Incinerations definitely has a lot more rendered cutscenes.